3/24/2019 Updated Site and New ContentI have done an overhaul on my website, preparing it for new content related to a project I've been working on since last fall. In October, I did a presentation on how to stay organized as a writer to the Lansing NaNoWriMo group. One of the things I talked about was how I use OneNote to organize my notes for characters, setting and plotting. Based on the amount of interest I received, I decided to write a short guide. My short guide has turned into a 35,000 word how-to manual that I hope to publish this year.
In the meantime, my webpage was starting to feel like a hot mess with my fiction work, presentation materials, and the templates I want to share with everyone all mixed up together. I feel like things are better organized now, but if you have any thoughts for improvements or things I've talked about but can't be found here, please share! New additions to my site include:
And coming soon will be an Office Warriors page where you will be able to find templates, instructional docs and more! I'm really excited about my newest project and can't wait to share it with my #WritingCommunity! Comments are closed.