The Office Warrior Connection is where authors and office warriors can go to find tips and tricks for using Microsoft OneNote and other software. Learn how to use OneNote to set up an editing notebook and take your novel from a rough draft to a polished diamond. You will find a set of editing strategies that can be used to finish a novel and prepare it for sharing with the world. There's also a number of ways to create an electronic bullet journal. I provide instructions and thoughts about how you might adapt the ideas to make them your own, and I've shared all my OneNote templates so you can download them to get started. Start at the Table of Contents.
Argent Glass is on Wattpad
Andrew and Evan are teen conspiracy theorists looking for adventure. They would like nothing more than to confirm the no-fly zone near their New Mexico homes is another alien cover-up by the government and not some guy in a tin-foil hat. Sneaking in to have a little look around a secret biome where deadly crops are being engineered might not be the best idea they've had all summer.
Dr. Carrel, an employee of the bioscience company that owns the dome, has stolen documents that could reveal the vegetables being created will have deadly ramifications around the world. Carrel is en route to the desert facility to warn the unwitting scientists they aren't creating a better bio-fuel or corn to feed the masses. But if the scientists stop working, it will cost billions of dollars, and the company won't let that happen.
After Andrew and Evan sneak past an electric fence and a helicopter armed with soldiers toting mean-looking guns, they unknowingly cross paths with Carrel. Carrel covertly passes the memory card holding the information that can expose the company, and when Andrew is mistaken for being a cohort of Carrel's, he gets shot by security.
The fate of millions rests on the hands of two teens who don't even know they have a part to play. They're going to have to fight through their pain and fear to make their way to the dome, or all of humanity is going to pay the price.
Argent Glass is available on Wattpad and is currently #1 in GMOs.
The Read Write Ponder series is a group of short stories bundled with discussion questions and writing prompts. The series is geared toward those who teach creative writing and would be perfect to use as when a quick and easy lesson plan is needed for a substitute teacher. The stories are a quick 10-15 minute read while the discussion questions and prompts are designed to back up the story and get the creative writing juices flowing.
The following are available on Smashwords for free, but you can read the start of each story here.
I like to flex my writing skills by partaking in contests and flash fiction challenges on Wattpad. So, not only will you find Argent Glass there, you will find a handful of contest entries and some non-fiction encouraging others to whet their writing appetite.
Not only do I work on short stories during Camp NaNoWriMo, but I also try to write something at least once a month the rest of the year. For camp, you get to decide the word count and challenge yourself to write all month, shooting for your daily word count so I get anywhere from 6-8 done, along with editing whatever current novel I have in progress. My stories here are not edited, so don't be too critical!